Because this is THE busiest time of the year for me, I will simply post the list of single tomatoes I have available as I write... As I sell out I will be updating the list on my web site.
BOBCAT - 65 Days. Fedco recommends as a replacement for Big Beef. (NOT from Monsanto) Det.
BOX CAR WILLIE - 80 Days. Old-fashioned acidic tomato flavor. Ind.
BRANDYWINE - 85 Days. Classic Heirloom. Excellent balanced taste. 1 - 2 pounds!
BRUNK - 75 Days. Large pink, juicy and flavorful. Ind. I liked the name!
BLACK CHERRY - 65 days. Clusters of 1” dark dark red fruits. Ind.
CABOT - 70 Days. 4 - 6 oz. Above average yield. Semi determinate.
CHEROKEE PURPLE - 80 Days deep purple/red beefsteak. Ind.
COSMONAUT VOLKOV - 72 Days. “Sweet and tangy” 4 inch fruits.
DANA - 60 Days. Bright red, 6 oz, acidic/tart. Det.
DEFIANT - 70 Days Late blight resistant. 6-8 oz globe shaped. High yielder. Det.
DELICIOUS - 76 Days. 8 - 16 oz. globe fruits, can get really big!. Ind .
EARLY GLEE - 60 Days. 16 oz. Fruits, above average yields. Ind.
EARL of EDGECOMB - 73 Days. Orange globes, 2 - 3” fruits.
GABRIELLE - 60 days - High Yielding 3/4 ounce grape tomato. Ind.
HONEY BUNCH - 45 Days. Grape tomato with great sweetness. Ind.
HUGHS - 73 Days. Light Yellow 1 pound beefsteak. Ind.
JULIET -- 60 Days. Indeterminte. Cross between a grape and a Roma. Ind.
KORALIK - (spelled on tags - Koralas) “Bodacious cherry tomato from Russia.” Early det.
MANITOBA - 65 Days. 6 oz. Excellent yield. Det .
MEDOVAJA KAPYLA -- 65 Days. “Superb tasting” Yellow pear. Ind .
MOUNTAIN GOLD - 71 Days. Large harvests, 8 - 12 oz. Round Golden Yellow fruit. Det .
MOUNTAIN MERIT- Late blight resistant slicer from Johnny’s seeds. Larger than Defiant. Det.
LUCIA GRAPE - 54 Days. “Tastes like a red Sun Gold.” Ind.
NOVOGOSHARY - 70 Days. Stuffing tomato (four lobes) semi det.
OREGON SPRING - 75 Days. Large slicer. The first fruits are seedless. Semi-det.
PORTER - 75 Days. Deep pink, oblong, large cherry. Ind. Sweet and Productive.
POTENTATE - 72 Days. 4 oz fruits. Blemish free. Semi det.
PREMIO - Clusters of 4 - 6 oz tomatoes. Ind.
PRUDENS PURPLE - 77 Days. Like an early Brandywine. Large flattened fruits. Excellentflavor. Ind.
RED ROBIN - 55 Days. Super dwarf 1 1/4 inch cherry tomatoes. Det.
REIF RED HEART - 75 Days. Large red heart-shaped tomatoes, “super taste.” Ind.
SOLDACKI - 75 Days. High Yield of Dark Pink beefsteaks. Ind.
SUN GOLD - 65 Days. Popular sweet tangerine orange cherry tomato. Ind.
SUN SUGAR - 62 Days. Golden yellow super sweet cherry tomato. Ind.
SPRING SHINE - 71 Days. Ind. Replaces Early Cascade.
SWEET 100 - 65 Days. Cherry Tomato and it is super sweet. Clusters. Ind.
SWEET HOME - 75 Days. Oblate heavy producer, 16 - 24 oz. red fruits. Ind.
SWEET N’ NEAT - 50 Days. Good container tomato. Large cherry tomatoes. Det.
TAXI - 65 days. Heavy yields mild yellow, nonacid tomatoes. Det.
TIGERELLA - 59 Days. Bicolored 2 - 4 oz. Juicy and Tart. semi Det.
TOMATILLO - They grow like weeds. Use for salsa.
ULTRA BOY - 68 Days. 14 oz dark red fruits, Indeterminate.
WHIPPER SNAPPER -60 Days. Det. Pink red cherry loaded with fruits.
YELLOW BRANDYWINE - 78 Days. “Complex wonderful taste.” Ind .