Thursday, May 16, 2013

Heirloom Tomatoes for 2013

Despite the fact that we had 28 degrees for six hours the other night, the tomato house is full and it will soon be time to plant.

Because this is THE busiest time of the year for me, I will simply post the list of single tomatoes I have available as I write...  As I sell out I will be updating the list on my web site.

BOBCAT - 65 Days.  Fedco recommends as a replacement for Big Beef. (NOT from Monsanto) Det.

BOX CAR WILLIE - 80 Days.  Old-fashioned acidic tomato flavor. Ind.

BRANDYWINE - 85 Days.  Classic Heirloom. Excellent balanced taste.  1 - 2 pounds!
BRUNK  - 75 Days.  Large pink, juicy and flavorful.  Ind. I liked the name!

BLACK CHERRY - 65 days. Clusters of 1” dark dark red fruits.  Ind.

CABOT - 70 Days.  4 - 6 oz. Above average yield.  Semi determinate.

CHEROKEE PURPLE - 80 Days deep purple/red beefsteak. Ind.

COSMONAUT VOLKOV - 72 Days.  “Sweet and tangy” 4 inch fruits.  

DANA - 60 Days.  Bright red, 6 oz, acidic/tart.  Det.

DEFIANT - 70 Days  Late blight resistant.  6-8 oz globe shaped.  High yielder.  Det.

DELICIOUS - 76 Days.  8 - 16 oz. globe fruits, can get really big!. Ind .

EARLY GLEE - 60 Days.  16 oz. Fruits, above average yields.  Ind.

EARL of EDGECOMB - 73 Days. Orange globes, 2 - 3” fruits.  

GABRIELLE - 60 days - High Yielding 3/4 ounce grape tomato. Ind.

HONEY BUNCH - 45 Days.  Grape tomato with great sweetness.  Ind.  

HUGHS -  73 Days. Light Yellow 1 pound beefsteak. Ind.

JULIET -- 60 Days.  Indeterminte. Cross between a grape and a Roma.  Ind.

KORALIK - (spelled on tags - Koralas)  “Bodacious cherry tomato from Russia.”  Early det. 

MANITOBA - 65 Days.  6 oz. Excellent yield. Det .

MEDOVAJA KAPYLA --  65 Days.  “Superb tasting” Yellow pear.  Ind .  

MOUNTAIN GOLD  - 71 Days.  Large harvests, 8 - 12 oz.  Round Golden Yellow fruit.  Det .

MOUNTAIN MERIT- Late blight resistant slicer from Johnny’s seeds. Larger than Defiant.  Det.

LUCIA GRAPE - 54 Days.  “Tastes like a red Sun Gold.”  Ind.

NOVOGOSHARY   - 70 Days.  Stuffing tomato (four lobes) semi det. 

OREGON SPRING - 75 Days.  Large slicer.  The first fruits are seedless. Semi-det.

PORTER - 75 Days.  Deep pink, oblong, large cherry.  Ind.  Sweet and Productive.

POTENTATE - 72 Days.  4 oz fruits. Blemish free. Semi det.

PREMIO - Clusters of 4 - 6 oz tomatoes.  Ind.

PRUDENS PURPLE - 77 Days.  Like an early Brandywine.  Large flattened fruits.  Excellentflavor.  Ind. 

RED ROBIN - 55 Days.  Super dwarf 1 1/4 inch cherry tomatoes. Det.

REIF RED HEART - 75 Days.  Large red heart-shaped tomatoes, “super taste.” Ind.

SOLDACKI - 75 Days.  High Yield of Dark Pink beefsteaks.  Ind.

SUN GOLD - 65 Days.  Popular sweet tangerine orange cherry tomato.  Ind.

SUN SUGAR - 62 Days.  Golden yellow super sweet cherry tomato.  Ind.

SPRING SHINE - 71 Days. Ind.  Replaces Early Cascade.

SWEET 100 - 65 Days.  Cherry Tomato and it is super sweet.  Clusters.  Ind.

SWEET HOME  - 75 Days.  Oblate heavy producer, 16 - 24 oz. red fruits. Ind.

SWEET N’ NEAT - 50 Days.  Good container tomato.  Large cherry tomatoes. Det.

TAXI - 65 days.  Heavy yields mild yellow,  nonacid tomatoes.   Det.

TIGERELLA - 59 Days.  Bicolored 2 - 4 oz. Juicy and Tart. semi Det.

TOMATILLO - They grow like weeds.  Use for salsa.

ULTRA BOY - 68 Days.  14 oz dark red fruits, Indeterminate.  

WHIPPER SNAPPER -60 Days. Det. Pink red cherry loaded with fruits.

YELLOW BRANDYWINE - 78 Days.  “Complex wonderful taste.”  Ind .