Sunday, August 30, 2015

Perennial Late Summer, Fall Blooms

With September around the corner I have started to sell mums and asters.  Otherwise the greenhouses are pretty much empty.  It's Aug. 30 and here is what is blooming now.

Helianthus 'Happy Days' - Shorter than most helianthus and rated zone 5, 
but it made it here in zone 4.  It reminds me of a dahlia.


Lobelia Siphilitica ('Blue Cardinal Flower')


Sanguisorbia Canidensis  - Always welcome in the late summer as an addition 
to bouquets.  It's a spreader, is about 4' tall and has nice scalloped foliage.


Silphium perfoliatum (Cup flower) in the back ground is 8' tall this year. 
 In the foreground is a dark-leaved cimicifugia (now renamed actea.)


One of my favorite summer phlox varieties, 'Laura', is a heavy bloomer this time of year.


Artemesia Lactiflora is one of the few artemesias that prefer moist soil.  It's like a very tall (4-5') delicate astilbe covered with plumes of creamy white flowers.